Morning My Farm Friends!
It's a busy day here on the farm as usual, but more so on the weekends when Greg doesn't have to work at his day job.
I was up and outside early this morning before chores, to water the backyard, and I thought I'd do my first blog on our bees and what is happening in that area of the farm.
Most of the hives are still in the size that they were when we tucked them in for winter. That won't last long. We'll be adding more hive boxes in the next week or two. The horizontal hive that we started last year is growing gangbusters! The bees are about 1/2 way across that bad boy. The wax is amazingly white and pure! I can already see beautiful candles coming from that stuff!
Not much going on at this time of the morning. The flowers are really starting to come into their own right about now. We have Bee Balm, and Indian Blanket in the pasture, which are the bees' favorite flowers!
Greg and I inspected the hives last weekend and were able to harvest about 4 frames. The honey is beginning to flow, so we'll be back in the honey business in a couple of weeks. We'll do another Inspection next weekend and then we'll let you know if we have honey for sale.
Well, My Friends, that's about it for the Bee update. I hope you are all well, safe and sound! Until next time...