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The Bees

The top of a "super" with the frames and plenty of bees!
Greg all geared up and ready to mow around the beehives!
A busy girl on a Thistle in the Bee Garden - a garden that I specifically made for them. 
Honey harvest - Summer 2018. This is about the size of our usual harvest, whether it's in the spring or fall. Depending on the "Honey Flow" - when the bees are busy collecting pollen and nectar, we will harvest twice a year or maybe three times. This harvest weighs about 60 pounds. Sweet and sticky.
Greg scraping the honey and wax into the buckets so it can strain the impurities out.
Bee frames 2018.JPG
What the honey and wax looks like once it's in the bucket.
Melted and solid beeswax 
Beeswax candles ready for sale
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